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- Tina Marie Noel
Change of Heart Page 5
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Page 5
Elizabeth controlled the smile that threatened to form at those words. Her mother had no idea this was the best suggestion she could ever had made to the two unacknowledged lovers.
Darcy grinned at the twinkle in Elizabeth’s eyes. He was filled with please to know that she was as eager for his company as he was for hers.
Elizabeth led the man who was clandestinely courting her into the garden. She briefly looked at Darcy with an immeasurable smile, and he responded with his eyes as they sparkled with humour.
When they were out of sight of Longbourn, Darcy kissed her lightly on the lips. He ran a finger down the side of her face gently before taking her hand in his.
“Mr. Darcy, I do not know how you engineered this.” Elizabeth’s eyes held a teasing light. “However, it was a stroke of brilliance, and I applaud your ingenuity.”
Darcy laughed with abandon and showed the dimples that made Elizabeth’s heart melt, “I had nothing to do with this. Your mother deserves all of the credit.”
Elizabeth could not forget the feelings Darcy had evoked in her this morning. She decided to set all thoughts of impropriety aside when she stopped in a secluded area. She slipped easily into Darcy’s arms as she wound her arms around his neck. “You see there is a benefit to this arrangement of ours.” She had a sly smile, “If my mother had known we were courting, we would back in the parlour with every person watching us like a hawk.”
She raised herself onto tiptoes and kissed the side of his mouth. She felt the exquisite roughness of his face and trailed soft kisses down to his neck. She located the throbbing pulse at the juncture of his throat and kissed him until she heard a groan escape his lips. She lowered her hands and slid them over his muscled chest. Elizabeth was surprised at her own response to the intimate exploration of his body and found herself aching to touch more of him.
Darcy pulled in a sharp intake of breath as Elizabeth kissed his neck. He felt her fingers fumbling with his cravat in an effort to expose more of his skin. He body responded eagerly to her attention. Elizabeth is an incredible woman. I can hardly believe she has agreed to be mine.
His hands moved freely over her curves and pulled her close to him. She managed to loosen the cravat and exposed the V of his shirt. Her lips moved to a sensitive area on his throat and slid downward to his chest. He moaned in pleasure and cupped her chin as he tilted her face to his. His saw desire in her eyes and that was the end of his self-control. He bent his head, kissed Elizabeth passionately and deepened the kiss until he heard her breath grow heavy with need. Darcy knew he was lost to his feelings for Elizabeth. He desired her but had to stop their actions before he lost all sense of control.
Darcy pulled away and kissed the dark-curly hair gently. His breathing slowed and with quietly declared, “I love you.”
Elizabeth’s eyes flew open in surprise. She pulled away from him slightly and placed her hands into his.
“I do not know what to say.” She stammered uncertainly.
He knew he had made a mistake, Darcy, you are an idiot! He had heard the hesitation in her voice. He quickly came to the realization that he had pushed her too hard and frightened her once again.
“You do not have to say anything.” His voice was filled with the love he felt, “I just did not want to deny my feelings anymore.”
Elizabeth would not meet his eyes as she took the sides of his cravat in her hands, “We should depart and rejoin the others. My mother will soon be trying to discover where we have gone and may decide to search for us.” She glanced up at him with an attempt at a teasing grin, “Although we should make ourselves presentable prior to our return.” She fumbled with his neckwear.
“Now whom do you think is at fault for the dishevelled state of my clothing?” He teased her back, “Do you know how to tie a cravat?”
“No, but I should not think it could be that complicated.” She retorted as she attempted, in vain, to figure out how to retie the garment.
“Maybe I should do this.” He took hold of her hands and ran his thumbs across the back of her hands. With a sigh, he finally released them and tackled the offending item of clothing.
When they returned to the house, no one could have found fault in the couple’s appearance. Everything seemed normal except for the slight flush on her cheeks and the reddening around his neck.
It was not long before the gentlemen took their leave from the ladies of Longbourn, “Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth,” Bingley smiled at Darcy, “I would like to invite you to Netherfield tomorrow afternoon.”
Jane glanced at Elizabeth and saw the smile on her sister’s lips. She turned back to Mr. Bingley, “We would be delighted to accept your kind invitation.”
Elizabeth caught Darcy’s eyes with a look of desire that spoke louder than words.
Bingley and Darcy had turned their horses off the lane leading to Longbourn when they spotted the approach of a carriage that conveyed a funny little man all dressed in black.
This must be the cousin Elizabeth spoke of earlier in the day, Darcy thought with amusement.
Mrs. Bennet was loudly congratulatory when she exclaimed, “What a wonderful visit from Mr. Bingley. Jane you were so beautiful.” She spotted her younger daughter, “Was I not clever to get rid of Mr. Darcy by having Lizzy drag him off onto one of her rambles. He so spoils the mood when he is about.” She danced about the room energetically, “Jane will surely catch a rich husband and one who is amiable as well.”
Elizabeth retired to her bedroom to daydream of Mr. Darcy, but her hope would not come to fruition. No sooner than the thought had crossed her mind, than there was a knock on the outside door and she groaned, Mr. Collins.
Chapter 6
Jane glanced at her sister quizzically during the carriage ride to Netherfield. “Lizzy, are you in love with Mr. Darcy?”
Elizabeth looked at her sister with astonishment, “Why would you ask me such a question.” Elizabeth countered, “Have I ever shown any particular interest in Mr. Darcy?”
Jane closed her eyes in concentration, “I thought I noticed something about the way you interact with each other, as though you two are sharing a secret.” Jane shook her head, “I must have imagined the whole thing because everyone in Hertfordshire knows that you do not like Mr. Darcy.”
When the carriage arrived at Netherfield, Elizabeth hopped out of the carriage with a smile at Jane, “I am going to take a walk through the garden to clear my head before I confine myself to the sitting room with people I do not like.”
Darcy had waited impatiently for Elizabeth to arrive for the scheduled visit at Netherfield. He saw the carriage and went to meet the ladies. He helped Miss Bennet from the carriage but was disappointed that Elizabeth was not with her.
In point of fact, when Mr. Darcy opened the door to the carriage, Lizzy had just disappeared around the corner of the garden path.
Jane saw the expression on Darcy’s face and decided her instinct was possibly not so imaginative after all. “Lizzy has decided to take fresh air with a walk in the garden.”
Darcy sighed as the tension left his shoulders, “Thank you, Miss Bennet, I shall endeavour to locate her.” He smiled, and Jane was surprised to see how much it changed the man, “I have become quite adept at finding your sister no matter where she chooses to hide from me.”
“With that information, I shall wish you luck.” Jane smiled as she disappeared into the house.
“Whom do you wish luck.” Bingley asked.
“Mr. Darcy,” Jane answered, “In his dealings with my sister, Lizzy.”
“Have you noticed something as well,” Bingley mused, “I asked Darcy about this very subject just yesterday and he was less than forthcoming.”
“Lizzy will never be easy for any man to handle.”
“I have no doubt that Darcy will cope admirably.” Bingley surmised, “I have always known him to be a fiercely loyal friend.” He waved Jane through the sitting room door, “Please come this way, my sisters are waiting for us.”
Miss Bingley was at the entrance to the sitting room, waiting for Darcy. Her body posture bespoke of her inner desperation and agitation. “Where is Mr. Darcy?” She demanded as her brother stepped through the doors.
“Mr. Darcy has taken a stroll about the garden.” Jane answered with a smile as she glanced conspiratorially at Bingley, “I would imagine he will be awhile.”
“Caroline,” Bingley informed his sister, “You shall find Mr. Darcy in the sitting room when he is ready.”
“Get out of my way Charles.” Miss Bingley swept by her brother in a towering rage.
“I would not want to be Mr. Darcy when she catches up with him.” Jane smiled dryly as she turned to face Mr. Bingley, “I hope she has had her breakfast otherwise she might eat him alive.”
“Why Miss Bennet,” Bingley grinned, “What a deliciously wicked sense of humour you have.” He offered her his arm, “Shall we?”
Darcy walked along the path in Netherfield’s garden. Suddenly, he stopped and glanced up into the tree directly above him. He discovered Elizabeth aloft in the tree with a smile on her face.
“Are you hiding from me again?” Darcy asked with an air of smug satisfaction.
“What do you think?” Elizabeth teased him with light dancing in her eyes. “With our history at Netherfield, I knew the fastest way for us to be together was to hide from you. I was certain you would find me promptly and with great ease.” Elizabeth arched an eyebrow, “I am sure you did not think I would make things that easy for you by appearing in the one place I was expected. I feel it is imperative that you work for the pleasure of my company.”
Darcy stepped up into the crook of the tree. He took Elizabeth’s hands in his and lifted one leg onto the next branch in preparation to climb up to her. His lower foot slipped as he shifted his centre of gravity to accommodate the change. He fell backward onto the path and pulled Elizabeth from the tree. She landed on a top of him with her knees on either side of him as she straddled his waist.
“Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth was calm, “I am afraid we find ourselves in an extremely inappropriate situation.”
Darcy grinned up at her as he caught his breath, “I am perfectly amenable with our current arrangement.” Darcy had a wolfish smile as he winked at her, “In fact, I like this position very much.”
Elizabeth raised herself to her feet with as much dignity as she could muster. When she spoke, her voice was stern but the slight smile that graced her lips belied her tone, “Mr. Darcy, I should not expect such a statement from a gentleman such as you.”
Darcy stood and took Elizabeth’s hand as he bowed from the waist, “You have thoroughly chastised me for my lack of gentlemanly behaviour, and I hope you accept my abject apology.”
Elizabeth performed a quick little curtsy, removed her hand from Darcy’s and spoke her cheeky reply, “Now that the expected formalities have been observed, I had hoped you would entertain me with a contest.”
Darcy knew himself to be no fool and was determined not to be hoodwinked by Elizabeth’s competitiveness a second time. However, he could not resist asking, “What did you have in mind?”
Elizabeth’s smile was angelic, but Darcy was not deceived, “It is truly simple, the first person to climb to the top branch of this tree wins.” She pointed with a wave of her hand to the branch she had intended for the winner to attain.
Darcy looked up in thoughtful consideration, “Since I know you are adept at climbing trees, it would seem that you have a distinct competitive advantage.” Darcy’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “However, I have climbed a fair share of trees in my youth. Thus concluded, I am of the opinion that I have a good chance of winning, so I will accept your challenge.”
The moment the words left Darcy’s mouth, he leapt onto the tree and began scrambling from limb to limb climbing higher in the tree.
Elizabeth was startled for only a second before she jumped onto the tree behind him and laughed, “That was very tricky Mr. Darcy, but I can only applaud your cunning.” She clambered up the tree only a step or two behind the gentleman. For a tall man, Darcy was exceedingly agile, and he stepped onto the top branch just a second before Elizabeth arrived.
“You have defeated me on the battlefield of honour.” Elizabeth’s eyes sparkled with delight, “For your efforts, you have won the hand of the fair maiden.”
Darcy’s head snapped around to look at her in disbelief, “You will agree to marry me.”
Elizabeth fluttered her eyes in a coquettish way, “I am not the fair maiden you have won, My Lord.” Her impish smile glowed, “You have won the hand of the Lady Caroline of Bingley, My Lord.”
Darcy groaned and shook his head, “That is one prize I shall have to forfeit.”
Elizabeth burst out in laughter, “Poor Miss Bingley, you are a heartless man, Sir.”
Darcy’s laughter joined Elizabeth’s as he eyes scanned the garden path, “Oh, Dear God.” Darcy sighed, “Speak the name of the creature, and she shall appear.”
Elizabeth followed his sight line and viewed Miss Bingley in all of her finery heading down the garden path. A slight rustling and movement on the tree captured Elizabeth’s attention as she saw a cute red squirrel eating a hazelnut.
Miss Bingley paused under the tree Elizabeth and Darcy had climbed. With his fingers to his lips, Darcy signalled Elizabeth to stop her from making a sound. Meanwhile, the small animal suddenly noticed the two humans who were perched in the tree. The squirrel skittered even higher to get away from the intruders. Elizabeth gasped when the creature dropped the nut it had been eating. She watched with horror as the nut landed directly on top of Miss Bingley’s hat. The woman had just looked skyward in surprise when she caught sight of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth sitting together on a tree branch.
“Mr. Darcy,” Miss Bingley’s voice dripped with sweetness and steely resolve. “I came out into the garden with every intention of climbing a tree, and I encounter you who have had the very same idea. It would seem as if fate is determined to bring us together.” She ignored Elizabeth’s presence altogether, “The two of us are simply simpatico as we both had the same insight and inspiration.”
“Miss Bingley,” Darcy voice floated down out of the tree, “I would never have considered you to be a tree climbing enthusiast.”
Caroline gritted her teeth, “I love to climb trees,” With great difficulty and many false starts she placed her foot in the crook of the tree. Her breathing was heavy, “It is a favourite pastime of mine.”
Miss Bingley began to make steady if somewhat slow, progress up the tree. They could hear her mutter under her breath when a branch would catch on her hat or clothing.
As she neared the location of the other two, the rogue squirrel must have decided to retrieve the nut it had dropped. The small animal landed with a thud on top of Miss Bingley’s head. In the commotion that followed, Miss Bingley waged a war on her hat and the squirrel. She threw flailing arms in an attempt to beat the creature off her hat. The animal recovered the nut and slipped back onto the tree unseen by human eyes.
During Miss Bingley’s distraction, Elizabeth took Mr. Darcy’s hand and stepped to the next tree where the branches formed a bridge. There was no other chance for escape as the egress on this tree was blocked by Miss Bingley.
Once Miss Bingley had flung her hat to the ground, she reacquired sight of Darcy. She stepped onto the branch the other two had vacated. Miss Bingley had moved only a few inches when she heard the tree branch crack.
Darcy and Elizabeth lightly hopped down from the other tree as the branch cracked under Miss Bingley’s weight and fell.
Caroline Bingley cried out as she fell. However, luck was with her, and the fall was broken by the hedgerow.
“Do you think she is alright?” Elizabeth asked just as she heard a torrent of the filthiest swear words ever known to man come from the hedgerow.
Darcy smiled as he took Elizabeth’s hand, “She sounds fine to me.” Miss Bingley emerged from the hedgerow with her dres
s torn and tattered by the hedges.
Caroline’s eyes fell on Darcy, “What a fine way to spend an afternoon, climbing trees and communing with nature.” She began to pull twigs and branches from her hair.
While Miss Bingley was distracted with her grooming, Darcy pulled Elizabeth down the garden path toward the stables.
“Mr. Darcy, where are you taking me?” Elizabeth queried.
“I thought I would introduce you to my horse, his name is Zeus.” Darcy led her into the stables, “Do you ride?”
“No, I had a bad fall when my father tried to teach me to ride, and what I received was a broken arm for my effort.” Elizabeth explained, “I have not attempted to ride a horse since that event.”
“I am particularly surprised to hear you are afraid of horses.” He stepped around a fresh pile of manure and pulled Elizabeth with him, “You must always watch your step when you are in a stable.”
“I am not afraid of horses,” Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed, “However, I admit, I have a preference to stay on my own two feet rather than trust an animal to carry me.”
“Elizabeth, you really should try to ride again.” Darcy led her to a stall toward the back of the stables, “You need to get back on a horse as that is the only way to conquer your fear.”
“I told you I am not afraid of horses.” Elizabeth’s voice dropped low, “I am afraid of falling.”
“Elizabeth,” Darcy laughed, “I just saw you climb a tree like a monkey, yet you tell me you are afraid of falling.”
Elizabeth’s anger snapped, “I think you should mind your own business. Whether I ride a horse or not need not concern you.”
Darcy’s face flushed as he opened the stall door and guided Elizabeth to stand beside a large black horse with a white star on his forehead.
“Elizabeth, I meant no disrespect. Riding horses is a passion of mine. I had hoped this would be an activity we could share together.” Darcy was contrite, “I did not mean to offend you.”
Elizabeth rubbed the nose of the large horse and ran her hands down the softness of his muzzle, “You are a very sweet boy, are you not.” The horse scratched his head against her seeking attention, “You are a big softy.” She stroked down his chest with her hand as she stroked and patted the large animal.