Change of Heart Page 4
Darcy stepped in front of the lady as she moved to the door, “We have not finished with this yet.”
Elizabeth sidestepped the gentleman, “I shall look forward to our future encounters, Mr. Darcy.”
With one final glance back at him, she disappeared from Darcy’s sight.
“She is what I call a fine lady.” Darcy spoke aloud as he started back to his room while he was whistling a merry tune.
Jane was well enough to join the Netherfield party that evening much to Bingley’s delight.
Darcy and Bingley tried to hide their dismay when Miss Jane Bennet asked Bingley if she and her sister could borrow his carriage the next morning. Jane finally secured Bingley’s reluctant agreement and informed the party that she and Elizabeth would be leaving directly after church to return to Longbourn.
Darcy was disappointed the Bennet ladies were planning on leaving the next morning. After having daily contact with Elizabeth, he could not imagine being here without her. He had just started to make progress with the lady and was afraid that her leaving Netherfield would change his relationship with her in a detrimental way.
In the morning as the ladies prepared to depart, Elizabeth whispered in Darcy’s ear, “Come with Mr. Bingley tomorrow when he calls on Jane.” Darcy nodded his head in agreement. Elizabeth lowered her lashes with a smile, “I would give you a rematch of our game, but Mama will not allow it when there are young men available.”
Darcy handed the lady into the carriage and watched sadly as Elizabeth left. He returned to the house only when the carriage had disappeared from sight.
Miss Bingley’s shrill voice assaulted Darcy’s ears the moment he entered through the door. “Mr. Darcy, I was just coming to find you.”
He could not find it in himself to put up with Miss Bingley’s solicitous attitude to himself and the malicious remarks she would make about the Bennet sisters. “Please, excuse me. I have some business to attend.” Darcy made his escape to the library before she could protest.
Chapter 5
Darcy was frustrated by Elizabeth’s absence and found he did not have the patience to join the rest of the party for dinner. He disappeared into the study as he wanted to write a short note to his sister.
Dearest Georgiana
I want to acquaint you with some wonderful news. Miss Elizabeth Bennet has agreed to allow me to court her. This is not known to our general acquaintances and her family. Elizabeth has her reasons for not wanting this information to be known. I am happy to indulge her in this matter. There is nothing I would not do for Miss Elizabeth Bennet. I would support anything for a chance to win her love and affection.
As a result of this understanding, I will be staying in Hertfordshire for longer than I originally intended. I have written to Colonel Fitzwilliam and asked him to bring you to Netherfield for Christmas. Charles is characteristically exuberant to have us stay for the holiday.
I hope when you receive this information, it will make you as happy as it makes me.
Your Loving Brother
Darcy felt the loss of Elizabeth’s presence acutely, so after he finished his letter he felt restless. He decided he needed something to do which would take his mind off her. He decided to find Bingley and see if he wanted to play a game of table billiards.
Not surprisingly, this attempt at diverting his thoughts did not work. While the two were playing, Darcy could not concentrate on the game and lost horribly to his friend. His mind was distracted with thoughts of the game he played with Elizabeth, and he was impatient to see her again. He was eager to challenge the lady to a rematch.
“Darcy, my friend,” Bingley asked while putting away the equipment, “May I enquire as to the source of your distraction?”
“My point exactly,” Bingley cocked his head toward his friend, “You have been miles away all afternoon. If I were to guess, I would have to say three miles away to be exact. You wish you were with the lady in question at Longbourn.”
Darcy stiffened and turned to face his friend, “I do not know why you would presume such a thing.”
“Darcy, it does not take a scholar to read your response to the lady.” Bingley grinned, “When she is in the room your whole demeanour changes. Your eyes never leave her, and you follow her every movement. Even more telling is the fact that you challenge her at every opportunity and wait for the sparks to fly.”
Darcy regarded his friend, and he truly wanted to confide in Charles but knew it was impossible. “Bingley, I have nothing to contribute to this conversation so I will take my leave.”
Bingley put out his hand to stop Darcy, “You are not required to take me into your confidence. I will not speak on this matter again if that is you wish. However, I want you to understand. You may speak to me about anything.”
“I appreciate your offer. Nevertheless, there is simply nothing to say.”
Darcy had just placed his hand on the door, when he heard the shrewish voice of Miss Bingley as she harangued a maid for Darcy’s location.
“You will tell me where I can find Mr Darcy, or you will find you have no job.” Caroline shrieked vehemently.
“Do not let your sister find me.” Darcy pleaded with his friend, “She has been like a bloodhound as of late, and I find myself unable to cope with her at this time.”
Bingley opened the cupboard with a smile, “I must admit that I cannot imagine the dignified Mr. Darcy hiding from my sister in a cabinet, but it should prove to be effective.”
Darcy had to ponder for only a moment before he stepped into the cupboard and folded his body to fit the space, and Bingley closed the door.
Caroline Bingley glided into the room with a dramatic flourish, “Mr. Darcy, what a surprise to find you in here.” Her face twisted with annoyance as she glanced around and saw that Darcy was not in the room. She snarled at her brother, “Charles, where is Mr. Darcy, I was under the impression that he was just in this room.”
“Caroline, you must be mistaken. Mr. Darcy has not been in here today. You might find him in the sitting room.”
Bingley watched as his sister’s face was suffused with an angry shade of red, and she growled, “Mr. Darcy is not in the sitting room. I would know as I just came from there.”
“He must have retired for the evening.” Bingley lied innocently, “You will have to wait to see him until morning.”
“Charles, you know that I would be the perfect wife for Mr. Darcy.” Caroline pleaded with him, “He has been blinded by Eliza Bennet. I have no idea what she could offer him that I cannot.” She closed her eyes impatiently. “I was born to be Mistress of Pemberley, and that has always been my destiny.”
Bingley’s eyes narrowed, “Do you have any feelings for Mr. Darcy or do you just want what he can give you.”
“Charles, do not be so naïve,” Caroline whined shrilly, “I want to advance my position by any means necessary and Mr. Darcy is perfectly situated in society. As his wife, I would be invited to all the best social events and would be introduced to the most powerful people.”
“You know Darcy does not like large crowds, and he keeps his socializing to a minimum. If you want a full social life, he is not the husband you require.”
“Once I am his wife and have his name,” Caroline expounded, “every social opportunity will be open for me. Mr. Darcy will be able to hide away in the country if he wants. However, I shall become the most sought after and powerful woman in London society. I will get everything I have ever desired.”
“Caroline, you are quite delusional if you think that Darcy will ever marry you.”
“I will marry him,” Caroline insisted, “even if I have to destroy her in the process.”
Bingley watched as his sister stormed from the room. Once she had departed, he opened the door to the cupboard. Darcy climbed out of his hiding place, his face drained of all colour.
“Darcy, make sure you and Elizabeth stay as far away from my sister as possible.
” Bingley warned, “She will do anything to get what she wants.”
“Thank you Bingley.” Darcy was grateful, “You are a good friend.”
Bingley was embarrassed by Darcy’s statement and smiled at his friend. “I concur. I am a truly wonderful friend. However, watching the proud Mr. Darcy crawl of the cupboard has made all my help worthwhile.”
Darcy groaned as he frowned at Bingley, “You know my patience is wearing thin. Your sister is determined to marry me whether I want her or not. I do not want Miss Bingley and I never will. The only lady I will ever want is...”
Bingley cocked his head as Darcy realized what he was saying and stopped speaking, “What lady do you want?”
Darcy glared at his friend as he stormed from the room. I need to get away from this place and clear my head. All I want is to see Elizabeth. He heard Bingley chuckle as he stalked from the room.
As the new day dawned, Elizabeth went about her normal morning routine and practically danced out of the door to take a long walk. When she came over the top of a hill, she felt exhilarated as she ran down the other side only to be startled by another person walking towards her. She tried to stop before she ran into Mr. Darcy, but the path was strewn with pebbles. Her feet slid forward, and she flailed her arms frantically as she tried to catch her balance.
Darcy caught her easily before she fell. He could not suppress a smile as it spread across his face. He looked down at Elizabeth with flashing eyes, “I must admit I did not expect you to have missed me so much you would throw yourself into my arms.”
“As you saved me from a fall, I will only say emphatically that I did not throw myself at you.”
His eyes sparkled with humour, “It truly does not matter because when you end up in my arms, I am happy either way.”
Elizabeth laughed, “You have certainly come out of your shell, Mr. Darcy.” She looked him up and down appreciatively, “I never thought that would happen to the extremely proper Mr. Darcy.”
“You bring out the best in me.” He picked her up and held her in his arms. She protested loudly, but he completely ignored her.
He found a tree stump in a private copse and sat down while keeping her trapped on his lap.
“Mr. Darcy, put me down, this is unacceptable behaviour.”
“We cannot take any chances, you may have sprained your ankle or you could have other injuries.” He grinned down at her, his eyebrows lifted in a roguish arch, “I would be neglecting my duty if I were not to thoroughly check your ankle for signs of damage.” Darcy glanced up at Elizabeth, thrilled and a little surprised that she was allowing him such liberties. I can hardly wait for a time when I have the right to touch every part of her luscious body.
Elizabeth was intrigued by Darcy’s playfulness, and she wanted him to continue his attentions. She pushed all thoughts of propriety from her mind and focused on Mr. Darcy with her tacit agreement, “I could never forgive myself if I caused you to be neglectful of any of your duties.”
To demonstrate his intentions, Darcy unlaced her boot slowly, methodically and finally pulled it off. He ran his hands over her ankle until his thorough attention reached her calf. She closed her eyes in pleasure as his hands traced a path over her skin. Eventually, the second boot joined the first and Darcy’s attentions were repeated on that leg.
Darcy looked down, and he saw Elizabeth was showing obvious enjoyment in his ministrations. He took a deep breath trying to control his emotions. Impulsively he pulled her against his chest and played with the small dark curls that framed her face.
“I really like having you captive.” Darcy’s manner was playful, which was underscored with desire, “When I have you captured thusly, you cannot run away from me.”
Elizabeth looked up at him through dark lashes and met his eyes. She felt pulled in by the fire of his eyes and was surprised by the depth of her feelings.
When he was unable to resist any longer, his lips captured hers and tasted the exquisite flavour of her.
Elizabeth wanted to resist but was unable to as she trembled with the pleasure of his kisses. Elizabeth reluctantly drew back from him and tried to make light of their indiscretions with an impertinent smile. “I do not understand how my lips could possibly be sprained.”
Darcy’s gaze never left her lips, longing for the taste of her kisses, “You never know, I cannot be too careful.” He kissed her fiercely as all his self-control left with the force of his ardour. He pulled her closer to his chest and felt every curve as her body moulded to his. He lightly caressed the curve of her breast. He sighed with satisfaction and lifted his mouth from hers. Her lips were swollen from his passion, and the sight snapped him back to reality. He was ashamed he had lost control so completely.
“Elizabeth, I am afraid you are unable to go home for a while because your lips look like you have been thoroughly kissed.” He touched her lips with his finger tenderly.
“That is because they have been.” She laughed and lovingly feathered her fingers down the side of his face.
Darcy closed his eyes in pleasure and straightened as he sighed with disappointment, “We shall have to change this very satisfying sitting position as I seem unable to resist the urge to touch and kiss you.” His smile was grim, “This should come as no surprise to you, but I have no will power where you are concerned.”
Darcy stood up and placed Elizabeth on the stump he had relinquished. He began to put her boots back on her feet but not before he lightly traced the contours of her legs. He revelled in the sensation of touching her so intimately. Once everything was back in order, he sat on the grass in front of Elizabeth’s feet. He tried to focus his thoughts on anything besides her beautiful body and what he wanted to be doing with her.
“I thought you were going to join Mr. Bingley when he comes to call on Jane later today.” Elizabeth looked down into his wonderfully expressive eyes. She did not know how she had ever thought him to be a cold and distant man.
“You are correct, however, I could not wait to see you, I missed you yesterday more than you can imagine. Did you miss me?” His eyes showed doubt, and she could see he needed reassurance.
She nodded her head slightly, swept her eyes up to his and flushed at the desire she saw in the depths. “I believe I just proved how much you were missed or had you forgotten.”
Darcy smiled as he took her hand and rubbed circles into her palms, “I could never forget how you respond to my kisses.” He felt the guilt of giving into his need and leading Elizabeth into temptation. “Are you sure I am still welcome?”
Elizabeth could see the self-reproach in his eyes and sought to reassure the gentleman as she ran her fingers along his jaw, “I would miss you terribly if you were not to pay a call.” Elizabeth thought for a moment as she considered, “I will allow you to visit as planned later today. However I should be obliged to warn both you and Mr. Bingley to leave before our cousin Mr. Collins arrives at four this afternoon.” Darcy watched as Elizabeth turned her face to the sun, “My father is excited to meet him. However, if the tenor of his letter is to be believed, he is most likely a complete idiot. As you know, we love to laugh at the weaknesses and follies of others.” She checked for his reaction, but he just smiled at her, “It is not every day you get to meet such a man.”
They sat together companionably and talked about books and music until it was determined to be time for both of them to return to their respective homes. Darcy walked Elizabeth to the lane that led to Longbourn. He reluctantly left her and returned to Netherfield.
As he waited for Bingley to get ready, Darcy paced up and down the hall impatiently. Charles was not the earliest of risers and had slept even longer this morning. What could be taking him so long? I would have been ready a half hour ago.
After the morning meeting with Elizabeth, Darcy was even more anxious to see her again. Of course, her mother and sisters would be there so it will not be nearly as pleasurable.
His mind drifted back to the moments he had held Elizabeth in hi
s arms and kissed her. He could not wait until they were married. She was so responsive to his kisses and caresses. He let his mind drift further into his imagination and anticipated the moment when he would make her his.
Bingley finally came out of his rooms just in time interrupt Darcy’s pleasant musings. He took a deep breath and hoped that Charles would not believe his behaviour out of the ordinary.
“Are you ready, Darcy? I am most impatient to see the enchanting, Miss Bennet.” Bingley declared as the two men made their way to stable.
“You could have fooled me.” Darcy grumbled under his breath at his friends comment.
The ladies of Longbourn had anticipated the visit of the two gentlemen from Netherfield. Jane and Elizabeth were poised to greet them warmly when they arrived.
Mrs. Bennet enthusiastically welcomed Mr. Bingley in a booming voice, “Mr. Bingley how wonderful of you to pay a visit. I am sure you have noticed how pretty my Jane looks today.” Mr. Bingley fidgeted with embarrassment. However, Mrs. Bennet did not notice as she glanced at the other gentleman, “You are welcome as well, Mr. Darcy.” Without even stopping to take a breath, she returned to her litany of Jane’s attributes, “My Jane is such a sweet, well-mannered girl. Mrs. Lucas was just telling me only the other day that my Jane is the most beautiful girl in the county.”
Darcy caught Elizabeth’s eye and lifted the corners of his mouth in a slight smile. He made his way to stand by the window. Darcy ignored the rest of the conversation in the room but felt Elizabeth as she moved his way to stand quietly beside him.
She wished to be able to take Mr. Darcy’s hand in her own and reassure him. She wanted to let him know she understood, but propriety prohibited this action.
Darcy turned his body slightly towards Elizabeth. She held his gaze with her beautiful eyes.
Mrs. Bennet noticed Mr. Darcy again and demanded with frustration, “Elizabeth, please show Mr. Darcy the garden. I am sure he would be much happier outside than inside with us.”