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Change of Heart Page 2

  Darcy felt his heart swell with joy as she teased him. For her engage him in this manner, she must return his affections. He caught her hand and ran his fingers over the soft skin in a gentle caress. His eyes never left hers as he searched their depths for a response.

  Elizabeth drew a shaky breath as she tried to control her reaction to his touch. She slowly pulled her hand from his.

  He chuckled at her words, “I suppose the deplorable state of my social skills is no longer a secret.”

  “Secret…” Elizabeth tried to suppress a giggle, “I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the knowledge is a well known fact.”

  “I trust you are having fun mocking me.” Darcy smiled in a wicked way that showed his dimples and promised retaliation.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about, sir I could never mock you.” Her lips twitched with amusement, “You are the perfect, Mr. Darcy.”

  Her playfulness delighted him, and his heart just about leapt out of his chest. Her smile enchanted him, and he was tempted to touch her again. How could he have ever thought he could live without this wonderful woman? Her wit astounded and exhilarated him. She has a boundless love for those she cherishes and he desperately wanted to be one of the people she held dear. She showed compassion and understanding to all those around her. She was everything he had ever wanted in a wife. He wanted to take her in his arms, feel her lips under his as he ran his hands along her curves. Most of all, he would never be able to imagine any other woman walking beside him at Pemberley. He was in love with Elizabeth Bennet. There was not one thing he could do about it, nor did he want to change this condition.

  “Mr. Darcy is something wrong?” Elizabeth was feeling uncomfortable under powerful scrutiny of Mr. Darcy’s gaze.

  Her voice brought him out of his reverie. He was embarrassed when he realized his arousal had grown with the direction his thoughts had taken.

  “Do not concern yourself, Miss Bennet, I am well.” Darcy forced the words out as he suppressed a desperate need to touch her. However, he still felt overwhelmed by his emotions. In an attempt to distract thoughts he should not have, a flood of words escaped his lips, “My sister, Georgiana, would it be too much, should I ask, to introduce her to you? She has expressed a wish to meet you.”

  “It would be a pleasure to meet Miss Darcy.” Elizabeth’s answer was kind, nevertheless her forehead wrinkled as the rest of his words influenced her thoughts. “But why should she wish to meet me? How does she even know of me?”

  “I have written to my sister about the people I have met in Hertfordshire. My description of your wit and liveliness intrigued her. She believes the two of you could become friends.” His eyes softened as he spoke of Georgiana. The truth was his sister did need someone like Elizabeth in her life, a person so full of joy that she shined like a beacon of light through a heavy fog.

  “How am I to meet Miss Darcy? Is she going to be in Hertfordshire in the future?”

  “No, she is in town with her companion, Mrs. Annesley. It was my thought you could include a note to her in my next letter. If you would agree to corresponding with her, I think you would be a good friend to my sister.” In his heart, he substituted the word “sister” for friend. He was sure of it Elizabeth would make excellent sister for Georgiana and an even better wife for him.

  “I would be happy to do as you ask. Is there anything you wish me to write to her?”

  “Miss Bennet, we have established you are the one with the social skills, so I shall leave content to your discretion.” Darcy’s lips turned upward in a slight smile and his eyes twinkled with delight.

  “You must be a gambling man, Mr. Darcy for I could speak to your sister of anything.” There was a deft arch of her brow, and the merriment within her eyes mesmerized him, “Who would have suspected you could have such a dark side.”

  “You have no idea.” Darcy’s voice was a low growl and in a surprising movement. He raised his hand, and very gently brushed a stray curl from her face and lightly ran his fingers down the side of her cheek. He felt a little shiver flow through her as he grinned down at Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth felt totally overwhelmed by the emotions raging inside her. Her heart skipped a beat as his gorgeous dimples appeared with his very disarming smile. She was held captive with the depth of the feelings emanating from within him.

  As her senses returned, Elizabeth felt an urgent need to leave his presence, “Excuse me, Mr. Darcy, I must return to my sister.”

  “I will see you soon, Miss Bennet.” His husky voice bespoke of threat and promise.

  As Darcy readied himself for bed, he felt a deep contentment. He had felt Elizabeth’s response to him, and his body reacted with the most basic of yearnings. His fantasies took flight as he imagined their life together. Soon enough his thoughts shifted and wandered to imagining the softness of her lips as he kissed her and the feel of her body as his hands discovered every inch of her beautiful body. Since he had a change of heart and decided to pursue his interest in her, he had no doubt someday soon she would be his and all his dreams and fantasies would come true. He was excited and could not wait for their next meeting.

  Elizabeth checked on Jane before retiring to her bedchamber. However, she could not stop reliving over and over what happened in the library with Mr. Darcy. Why had he touched her as he did? She knew he disliked and disapproved of her so what would make him behave so out of character. She also questioned her own actions. She had detested him from the moment of their first encounter, so why would she have reacted with pleasure when he touched her and why had she allowed him such liberties? She hated the man, so why could she not stop thinking about him now? Who was the real Mr. Darcy? The sombre man she met at the assembly or the charming man she met tonight?

  Chapter 3

  It was after midnight when Elizabeth gave up trying to sleep. She was overheated and could not stop her mind from wandering back to Mr. Darcy and the feel of his hand on hers. She moved from her bed, dressed and stepped into the hallway. When her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she made her way downstairs and out into the garden. The cold night felt good on her hot skin as she lifted her face to the sky. Elizabeth inhaled deeply as she smelled the clean and fresh scent that always followed a rain shower. The wind started to whip her hair as she started down the garden path. She hoped the exercise would exhaust her body so she could sleep.

  She almost completed a full circuit and was starting to feel drowsy. She was about to return to the house when she felt the hands placing his great coat over her shoulders. She turned abruptly and found herself looking directly into the eyes of Mr. Darcy.

  “Mr. Darcy, what are you doing here?” She demanded, surprised irritation slicing her words. The last person she wanted to see was this man with his confusing split personality.

  “I saw you from the window and thought you might be cold.” He explained as he motioned to the coat she now wore. He had awoken just about midnight after a particularly pleasant dream. His Elizabeth had been curled up in his arms with her head on his chest. It almost seemed like he was able to smell her rose scent in the air. He imagined the silkiness of her hair and the warmth of her against his skin. Disappointment coursed through him when he came back to his senses. He knew she was not actually with him. Nevertheless, that was nothing compared to the ache of longing that was his body’s reaction. He had walked to the open window and had been surprised to see the woman in his dreams standing with her face to the sky, her dark curls tossed around by the wind, almost as though she was calling to him. She could not have started his heart racing any more effectively unless she had walked directly out of his dream. He was not thinking too clearly, he was only following his desire when he had dressed quickly and made his way to her. “It is quite cold tonight and your sister is already sick. We would not want you taking to your bed with a chill as well.”

  “Oh, I had not considered how my actions might affect others.” She turned her back on him with a jerky movement and started
toward the door. Her voice was distant and cold, “I would not want to be a burden to your friend.”

  “You have mistaken my intent.” Darcy sputtered in disbelief, “I just do not want you to get ill.”

  She was too tired to be reasonable and snapped, “Thank you for your concern. However, it is wholly unnecessary.”

  She ran up the stairs but was pulled backwards when the hem of her dress was caught on the corner of the stairs. Darcy caught her before she could fall and put his arm around her shoulders as he walked her into the house. He picked up the candle he had left inside the door and directed her into Bingley’s study so they could speak privately.

  When he had secured the lock, he asked quietly, “What have I done? Why are you so angry with me?” He had just spoken when a horrible notion was driven into his heart. Horrified by the thought, God no, it could not be what happened between us earlier. Darcy you idiot, you must have read all of the signs wrong, she does not feel the same thing as you do.

  When she spoke, her voice was quieter than he would have expected. “You have done nothing wrong. I was unable to sleep and lack of sleep as well as irritability has made me unsuitable for company. I do not understand how you can cope with being here at Netherfield? I have hardly had a bit of privacy since I arrived in this house. No matter where I move someone appears. If it had not rained today, I may have been able to get out for a walk, and the exercise would have helped.”

  Darcy found himself laughing at her words as earlier he had been feeling the same way.

  “This is not amusing, I just need a little peace every once in a while.”

  “Actually, I find it very amusing.” His eyes lightened with his heart as he realized what the problem was, “You came to the library this afternoon looking for solitude, did you not?”

  “Yes. I have to escape every once in a while.”

  “Of course I feel the same way, but the problem was you escaped and found my hiding place.” His eyes twinkled, and his lips twitched with obvious humour.

  “Yes, I was hoping I could hide out there for a while.” She sighed softly, “I guess, I shall have to try and find somewhere else.”

  “I could share my hiding place with you.”

  “I am afraid that would not work.”

  “Why ever not?” He looked deep into her eyes, “If I am willing, I do not see an issue.”

  She tried to tear her eyes away from his, but she was compelled by the intensity and answered truthfully, “Because, I am normally hiding from you.”

  “What,” His voice rose in surprise, “You have been hiding from me.” There was shock visible on his face. His heart sank into his stomach as he comprehended her words. She was hiding from me. All of the time I spend in her company has delighted me. I look forward to every meeting. Her verbal wit and banter bring out the best in me so how could she not feel the same way. He gave himself a mental shake, Darcy think, maybe she does not know how you feel about her. He finally understood as the reason became clear. Until this evening, I have been determined not to give her any reason to think I might be giving her my attentions. I made my decision tonight and have not shown her how I truly feel. Darcy, you undoubtedly are an idiot. He broke out in a grin and with a laugh he sputtered, “You cannot even get away from my charms when you are trying to hide from me.”

  “I still do not think this is funny.” She whined but suddenly Elizabeth found the situation extremely amusing. She laughed until there were tears in her eyes.

  When Darcy regained his composure, he asked a question he was not sure he wanted an answer to, “Why are you trying to hide from me.”

  “Why are you critical, arrogant and argumentative every time you speak to me?” Her eyes flashed with insolence.

  Darcy’s eyes lit up in amusement. She is exquisite, no wonder I cannot help but love her. She challenges me every moment and never apologizes for it. He could not wait until she belonged to him. His gaze fell to her lips and closed his eyes with yearning. Her pert little mouth was just inviting him to kiss her. “Mr. Darcy, did I lose you again.”

  When he dragged his eyes back and met her gaze, he had his answer ready. “I enjoy the way your mind works, witty and thoughtful all at the same time. I bless every opportunity for our verbal warfare. You are not only an equal match for me, but I have usually been the loser in our various battles. You have no idea how refreshing I find your candour.”

  As Mr. Darcy spoke, Elizabeth tilted her head and tried to reconcile his words with her view of their encounters. “I think Miss Bingley would not agree with you.”

  Darcy rolled his eyes and attempted to keep the smile from his lips, “Miss Bingley is not aware trees are green.”

  “Does Miss Bingley know you feel this way?”

  “She is Charles’ sister, so I have tried to be polite. However, she does not take my gentle hints very well.” He winked at her and added, “Whom do you suppose I was hiding from in the library.”

  Elizabeth smothered a laugh, “Do you actually believe Miss Bingley has not a clue as to the location of the library?”

  “I sincerely doubt she knows there is a library at Netherfield.”

  “But she is always so well-dressed, and she has a certain something in her air, and manner of walking, is she not a very accomplished woman.” Elizabeth mocked the other woman.

  “Now you see the discussion to which you refer is a prime example of how little Miss Bingley knows. I am sure she thought she won that battle, but you goaded her to into disavowing not only her original statement but mine as well.” Mr. Darcy explained.

  Elizabeth was startled to find out he understood her so well.

  “I do not believe she ever comprehended her error. Within a mere two minutes time, she completely changed her opinion. In the beginning of the conversation, she was in agreement with me in regards to my conviction that I only knew half-dozen accomplished women. With the next breath, she expressed her belief that she knows many accomplished women. She did all of that just to best you in an argument, but she had little or no sense to know she was cleverly out-manoeuvred by you.”

  “Oh, I was not aware you had been that observant.” Elizabeth flushed with the pleasure of his compliment.

  Now that Elizabeth was in better humour, Darcy wanted to keep her talking, “You should ask Georgiana her opinion about Miss Bingley. When she is feeling brave, she has quite a lot to say on the matter.”

  “She does not like Miss Bingley either. I am certain I am going to like your sister.”

  “When the two of you meet, I do not think I shall ever stand a chance again.” His mind had wandered back to his fantasy of the future, where he dreamed of a time when they would reside together at Pemberley. Elizabeth would be his wife, and Georgiana would have the sister she always wanted.

  Elizabeth was confused by this statement, and she looked at him quizzically. However, exhaustion had taken a toll, and she swayed in a circle as she stood.

  Darcy worried she was going to fall and caught her in his arms.

  She looked up into his eyes. He felt drawn to her and acting upon impulse, he bent down and claimed her lips with his. He gently applied pressure as he tasted her briefly with his tongue. He released her lips just as quickly, so she did not have a chance to protest.

  Without any thought, Darcy lifted Elizabeth into his arms and carried her out of the study.

  “What are you doing?” She asked as she wriggled in his arms.

  “I am putting you to bed before you fall asleep where you stand.”

  “There is no need for you to bother. I am fully capable of walking to my room without your help.” Her protests landed on deaf ears as he carried her up the stairs.

  “Yes, there is a need.” Darcy smiled with a wolfish grin and his voice was low and husky in her ear, “It just so happens I am indulging my pleasure at this moment.” He pushed open the door into her bedchamber where he gently laid her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. He lightly touched his lips to hers and e
xited the room as quickly as he had arrived. Elizabeth fell asleep with a smile on her face.

  Once he was back in his own room with his mind in turmoil, Darcy could not help reflecting on what had just occurred. Darcy damn, do you not have any sense, carrying her to bed like that. What if a servant had seen you? Her reputation would be shattered, and her father would be at the door in the morning with a gun to your head. He smiled, not that marrying Elizabeth would be against his wishes, but he knew she would not be happy under those circumstances. She really does not like her options to be limited by anyone. Every time he thought he had finally understood Elizabeth, she surprised him again. However, it had felt heavenly with her in his arms, the softness of her lips when he kissed her, and the aroma of her pushed his sanity over the precipice.

  As soon as Darcy crawled into his bed, he fell asleep and sweet dreams of kissing Elizabeth charmed him all night long.

  Chapter 4

  In the morning, Elizabeth woke up feeling revived and to her surprise found, she was still fully clothed. It took her a moment to recall what had occurred the previous night. She distinctly remembered Mr. Darcy laying her down on the bed. She raised a finger to her lips where he had kissed her and could still almost feel his lips on hers. Her thoughts were tumultuous as she relived the events of the night before. There was the sweet kiss in the study and another one after he carried her in and put her to bed. Elizabeth was astonished by her own behaviour, she had not only allowed him to take liberties with her, but she had enjoyed it.

  She stood up, stripped off her clothing from the night before and when freshly dressed, she walked to the window and delighted in the brilliant sunshine outside and her spirits were lifted.

  Elizabeth checked on Jane and was grateful to find her sister was vastly improved. When she was able to take her of Jane’s room, Elizabeth made her way downstairs. Once outside the breakfast room, Elizabeth decided, she could not cope with the room full of people. Elizabeth was especially hesitant to encounter the inscrutable Mr. Darcy and resolved to take a walk instead.